Just a couple of moms who get together and share the best deals that we can find.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Valuable Coupons!
Make sure you print two of each of these coupons for Scott toilet paper and cottonelle products. We missed the last sale where you could get TP for almost free!
I headed to the grocery store at noon today and picked up everything I needed from my PYP list. I scored today!! After combining my coupons with the store add, and starting out with $15.00 in Catalinas I was able to purchase (2) 24 Pks of water, (6) 2 literes of Pepsi, 5 boxes of Caprisuns, 2 bags of lays chips, 6 Digiorno pizzas, 4 tubs of Land O Lakes Butter, 3 Pkgs of Jello (6 in each pkg), 4 Boxes of Bagelfuls, 8 cans of Cream of Mushroom Soup, 4 boxes of Crystal Light On the Go, 3 bags of Birdseye Corn, 10 Pkgs of Albacore Tuna, 1 Jar of Jalapenos and 2 Packs of Gum for $25.52 Out of Pocket. Between In store savings, coupons and catalina deals I saved $151.35. WOW!!!
10 Grands Biscuits, 20 Pks of Ramen, 10 Fruit Snacks, 10 Cake Mixes, 4 Brownie Mixes, 6 Blueberry Muffin Mixes, 5 Tubs of Frosting, 4 Boxes of Granola Bars, 2 Bottles of Thousand Island, and 2 Loaves of Bread for $29.67 at Albertsons
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